President's Message
President's Message

会长留言(President Message)
我衷心感谢各位董事们、会员和行业成员的支持,委托我为第25届(2023/2024)董事会会长,这既是一种责任,更是一种挑战。我将遵守依法章办会规范运作,认真履行商会宗旨,并带领整个董事会积极开拓创新,锐意改革、实行 “为行业服务,为会员服务” 的宗旨,更会与政府商团紧密合作推动槟州家具业发展。
I sincerely thank all the Committees, members, and industry members for their support and entrust me as President of the 25th Board of Committees for the term of 2023/2024. This is not only a responsibility, but also a challenge. I will abide by the rules and constitution to run the standardized operation of the meeting, conscientiously fulfil the purposes of the Association, and lead the entire Board of Directors to actively explore and innovate, resolutely reform and implement the purpose of “serving the industry, serving the members”, and will work closely with the government and Associates agencies to promote the development of the Penang furniture industry.
Mah Kong Yeow
Penang Furniture & Timber Industry Association