
25th Board Working Committee
for the term of 2023-2024

25thBoard Working Committee for term 2023-2024

1)奖励金小组 Reward Committee 

主任 Officer

余信龙 Jeorge Yee

副主任 Deputy Officer

钟伟立Chong Wai Lap

2)会员小组 Members Working Committee 

主任 Officer

黄廷海Ooi Teng Hai

副主任 Deputy Officer

马祚亮Beh Chu Liang

3)原料小组 Raw Materials Working Committee 

主任 Officer

黄秀婷Ooi Siew Ting

副主任 Deputy Officer

林泳宏Lim Yong Hong

4)市场小组 Marketing Working Committee 

主任 Officer

黄子丰Ng Choo Hong

副主任 Deputy Officer

黄子祯Jeff Ng

5)考察小组 Trade Mission Working Committee

主任 Officer

黄子祯 Jeff Ng

副主任 Deputy Officer

钟伟立Chong Wai Lap

6) 文娱小组  Recreation Working Committee 

主任 Officer

黄延玮John Ooi

副主任 Deputy Officer

叶宸麟Jezz Yap

7)人力资源小组 Human Resource Working Committee 

主任 Officer

黄延玮John Ooi

副主任 Deputy Officer

叶宸麟Jezz Yap

8)福利小组 Welfare Working Committee 

主任 Officer

王国兴 Ong Kok Hin

副主任 Deputy Officer

林珉源Lim Meng Yam

9)产业小组 Property Committee 

主任 Officer

马南耀David Beh

副主任 Deputy Officer

黄子祯Jeff Ng

10)特别小组 Special Committee 

主任 Officer

黄秀婷Ooi Siew Ting

副主任 Deputy Officer

黄延玮John Ooi